Honestly, outside of slaanesh not really. Theres probably 8-10 armies that realistically have a chance of podiuming. Some have an easier time...
Not at all, i appreciate the offer tho!
Argh you caught all my sass before i edited it out of my post :0 I think your last point is fair. You shouldn't need to be amazing just to...
edit: i've adjusted a lot of what i said because it was coming across unnecessarily antagonistic IMO. I dont think an army that requires you to...
Shackles and Quicksilver are both too expensive now IMO. there's something to be said for the pendulums and purple suns of the world. being able...
I think what I was trying to say is being a little misinterpreted. We need a new book. Unquestionably so. Carnosaurs are laughable when compared...
Mostly just a joke haha
An arkanaut based cities list just went 5 and 0 at da boyz. Was very cool, very anti meta.
Isnt that just how it should be? Its a skill based army that has had multiple builds go 4-1 or better in major tournaments. Thats a reasonably...
A lot of hate in this thread Seraphon are a solidly decent army and can compete with all but the best of the best lists.
About to start my last game! So far ive played: DoK Monster FEC Shooty Cities Syllesseke host Edit: final game was against shootcast with 9...
I attended Da boyz GT in Henrietta, NY.
Okay, this time i'm ready to roll. I fought off Nurgle and nothing can stop me now! I'm taking the list to Da Boyz GT this upcoming weekend and...
That was a ride. Excited to see the end result, but ultimately i think part of the fun is that its not balanced. List building is such a cool...
I actually ended up catching a cold and couldn't head down :/ The list i had used the Astrolith and Cogs.
Yep :)
That's what I was originally thinking as well. I kind of like having the hit reroll from the astrolith bearer tho, i was a little concerned that...
I love this idea, I think that's exactly what i'll do! Thank you. Gives a little bit of extra power with the hit rerolls, and adds more summoning...
Hello scaly brethren! I'm heading to a 2-dayer tomorrow (Octocon in NJ, if anyone is going) and i'm struggling on deciding the last ~240 points...
I agree with everything here. Questioning Skinks 7th and 8th edition dominance is not a winnable battle. Skink Cloud was literally the list to...