Very true. I never really minded the death stars either, but that just might be the nostalgia talking
Could have very well been the case. I think movement 4 probably had a lot to do with it, and so much of fantasy revolved around getting off the...
I actually remember that post and believe i argued the same point i have now, then. Maybe im just bitter haha Edit: looks like i didn't get...
I guess my point is that Saurus didn't exactly fight well in fantasy. You didn't bring a block of Saurus warriors and think to yourself "i'm gonna...
Saurus were never on a similar power lvl as chaos warriors. Chaos Warriors were actually viable. Saurus never were and were never even as close...
Every new book thats come out is strong. This isnt any stronger than fireslayers, fec, slaanesh, or skaven. I wouldn't be overly concerned.
Very well said and an extemely interesting "criteria of greatness" for lack of a better term.
I dont wanna get too off topic so ill just say well discussed, appreciate the well reasoned responses! I guess ultimately when i see a low critic...
Then popularity determines quality? And you dont even need to have seen the movie/game/book to leave an "audience" review a vast majority of the...
The amount of times "the left" "the right" and "sjw culture" has been brought up in this conversation is too damn high. And i legitimately can't...
This seems to make warriors strictly worse. I'd rather have 40 at 330 with a 5+ save then 40 at 450 with a 4+. Sure they maintain their +1 to...
Problem is Guard just don't have the bodies. Want the bodies for board control.
When i play FOS i literally kill nothing and just throw bodies at objectives for 5 turns. Usually i can get out to such a big lead by the time...
Slaanesh cannot summon 1500 points a turn unless you've done something very silly. They are certainly (extremely) powerful, but you can play...
Just because new stuff is busted (and i don't necessarily think it is) doesn't mean Kroak wasn't. The amount of AoE MW damage he could do, and the...
I actually play 40k quite a bit more than I play AoS (just more active in my area). I play space marines of all kinds (blood angels, dark angels,...
I doubt we get any new models at all. We just need a general scrub of our abilities, and be brought up to speed with some of the current dexes in...
In Age of Sigmar seraphon are a horde army. Endlessly waves of lizards summoned by slann. That's how they play on the tabletop as well, its just a...
Every individual clan gets their own little bonus, even as part of a more mixed skaventide army. The only thing having a pure clan gets you is...
Sorry, i'm not totally sure what you're saying here. You might be misunderstanding the Skaven book because you can totally bring that list.