I hear that, although against Lizards they'd have to be nuts to run something like that outside of a unit. Terradons would make mincemeat of...
If you line up at an angle, then they charge the closest possible model, meaning they might still choose to wheel or charge straight. Yes the...
Blade of Realities... look at hydra leadership... bwahaha. Also BoR should make manticores and dragons sweat as well. Probably want some...
Was editing turned off? I almost always think of something to add the second I hit the post button, and I don't like to be a spammer by posting...
Nope, only the character and his mount fight, the crew stand around being useless.
Against something like a M4 block of troops, it is not too difficult to really cover them with poison shots. In your turn, move your skinks...
Unless your stand and shoot goes off at close range, in which case multi-shot and stand and shoot are your two penalties, and you will hit on 6's....
All of them go into the challenge. Reason # 12 unit champions are useful.
I think it may be US5 and below. Don't have my book handy, but I can think of a few US 3 models like ogres and Dwarf Lord on shield bearers that...
The list first, I'd say too many points in characters. They limit the size of your army too much at 1000. You could probably first drop the...
1) Lots of shooting my friend, lots of shooting. They are T3 weaklings, and they can't ASF against javelins and blowpipes (maybe in the next HE...
Casualties are removed like shooting, and if the unit in question is in hand to hand, no panic can be caused from BA. I do not think you'd get to...
Only the Army Book can be relied on for clear-cut rules. It is possible that they originally planned on channeling of any spell through the skink...
I agree, it is the intangible things that you can't really place a point value on that need to influence your unit choices. What will this unit...