"I'm not sure I am on board for adjusting the value of magic for each individual army list considering that would require a lot of weighing and...
Terradons are great, just different. Combat prowess - Yes, they definitely aren't as good IN combat, but they still pack sufficient punch to take...
I highly recommend reading up on some other lists on this board, many of the more obvious ones have already been pointed out. -great weapons and...
Toothpicks and pulleys... you should be able to bang together a quick Rube Goldberg machine to get all the arms hanging in their intended position...
Wow, great to see lots of feedback Barotok. I'll give it a full read tomorrow but I noticed a few things on skimming... EDIT: I wound up giving a...
A good rule of thumb is to always charge GW models if at all possible, as they usually aren't carrying a shield. So you get "only" 10 str 4...
Depends on how many hydras your opponent takes. BoR will almost always relieve a hydra of its soul, given its poor leadership of 6 and the fact...
I'd = I would
This is pretty much what I was thinking, it would revolve as much as possible around calculations. Each model type would be put through its...
For the low point lists I'd say just take one salamander with extra handler. Add the second one in at around 2000 points so that you have two...
I severely doubt GW will rule that the bolt kills the whole rank... probably just auto-wound the first guy. I think a good way to reflect a...
I'd have em in all my skirmisher units, given all the fleeing they do!
I'm starting to think the reason you see so many razordons is that people are reminded of the old salamanders because of the artillery dice. They...
Hmm, yeah you may have changed my mind with that. More people seem to realize the fairly obvious merits of terradons than the merits of a 50...
I love musicians... I find them to be useful in the most different kinds of units. A little throwaway unit doesn't need a standard (easy VP for...
Terradons: I should probably explain this... The poll was for most under-used. Jungle Swarms aren't under-used at all, they're probably over...
You'd have to factor everything in, including multiples of the same choice. I did kind of gloss over this section, but it would be a ton of work...
First, and I'm sure others will point this out, but don't post point costs for each individual thing... and there's no need to put down all the...
Are lizardpeeps made of marshmallow and covered in blue sugar?
You can't really go wrong with skinks, they're just plain awesome in my opinion.