A quick bit of math... shooting at T3 elves 20 shots hitting on 7's (1/6)number of sixes*(1/2)number of fours after sixes*(1/2)number of hits...
Must not have read much if you haven't seen the war drum/EotG combo on this site! It's a fairly well-known combo here and elsewhere. Stegadons...
For the sake of this discussion, lets assume we're talking about on-foot scar-vet only, since you'd be quite foolish to take a great weapon while...
Your movement phase would take forever with that many skirmishers. Not to mention they'd wind up with little room to maneuver, which is the main...
Too many hero choices!!! lol For even more cheese, drop the extra EotG for a couple single sallies and terradons the rest of the way.
The way I think of it... the second rank only gets to stabbing range after the lines become entangled.. on a charge the front ranks attack as soon...
Your opponent needs to also read the rules.. stubborn stegadons is pretty much common knowledge.
Salamanders enter stage left and stage right. Hilarity ensues.
Strangely, the book describes fantasy combats much the same way, that everyone is pretty well entangled and it is sort of a disorganized mass. Of...
A very small consolation for ogre players, as massed poison shooting tends to tear them to pieces otherwise.
Standard Bearer - Only take one of these in units that you expect to take into ONLY winning combats. Putting a banner on a unit means that the...
Probably because stubborn is the exception rather than the rule. Common sense wise you would think it would work like Immune to Psych, where the...
Well, usually I use IE, let's see how Firefox treats me. (some text mashing and scrolling occurs) I can't seem to reproduce the error, looks...
Isn't US 6 too big to get a "look out sir"?
Pho... filled with tripe, tendon, flank, and any other good stuff they have back there... toss a bunch of herbs and sprouts in... that's about as...
Re: More carnosaur pics That color scheme really reminds me of the old orange and black flame design on hot rods. The question is, how much...
I noticed that after a post reaches a certain length, the window where you enter test refuses to stay scrolled down, so you can't see what you are...
Ramen noodles must be very different in Japan... over here in the states Ramen is considered the staple food of broke college students in need of...
As I was halfway through reading the list critically to determine why the noodle reference was there, it dawned on me that maybe the point was to...
Another thing you have going for you is the EotG wardsave. You can consider this a form of defense against at least the magic missle type of...