Expanding foam is to be handled with care imo... use little doses cause it really expands... depending on the product you use up to several times...
Only thing I have to "complain " is, that the neck seems a tiny bit to long... at least on his right side... but that's probably just the blue...
Im still for the feathers... looks primal enough for my taste and as he's one of the big guys some feathers seem cool to point out that he is... ;)
Or maybe if it's without the extra jaws...
feathers!!! ;-)
:wideyed: Wow! Nice!
Maybe for another squad of chamos you could choose from the list... ;)
cheetah... would be 4 with dots and one with stripes... or is it the black/pink panter you mean?;)
to avoid hand cramps try working on one in a tiger look in between:p... just somehow keep going on this guy! realy cool idea!
Looks good anyway! :cool:
Sounds promising! :)
Good I stored my tower in the basement... would be to tempting to finish it instead of preparing for my exams... on the other hand it's all just...
Only thing I add is: I hope you keep the headdress of the leader black as it is... looks really great with only the detail on it!
Maybe a general rule for leaders, priest etc could be that a slann in your army can use them as arcane vassal? Just came up in my mind while...
Good to know... I guess otherwise the airbrush would just blow away the bases, right?
But why did you tape the table, when spray it anyway? ;) Looks really nice! Chief and bases...
hmmm... then maybe a kind of giant condor or eagle (guess the condor fit better) instead of gorillas? something that's flying around on it's own...
Giant monkeys sounds cool! Something like kroxigors but with coconuts!
With pictures of each (group shots obviously) so that we can keep track of the score and place bets on our favorite? ;):cool:
Nice idea! Just can't see the pictures in the spoilers...