Thanks! And to the point of armor scales and highlights... [MEDIA] ;):cool::cigar:
Would be great. It was really motivating... not only for me taking the number of entries into account...
That vortex looks promising! Really looking forward to seeing it finished! And your bloat toad replacements... they aren't made of chocolate,...
Finished the base! Here it is! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And one last picture of the whole creature! [ATTACH]
I use lots of toothpicks skewers chopsticks and stuff like that. Good for fences palisades and every wooden thing that has a rough look like...
Here he is finally... didn't do the base cause today it was snowing and I wanted to take the pictures under better light conditions... Here we go!...
Didn't manage to take proper pictures of the colosus today... leaves the opportunity to finish the base before showing him to you... but I played...
Thanks! Really tried to show off my best painting on this one... still room for improvement though...;)
I think you can be happy with it! Looks really cool...
This constriction around it's neck (I think it's the neck...) makes it look a bit funny in a certain way... as a classmate told me... he was...
Oh yes, that's kind of a problem... but I still got some cold ones and guards to finish... and skunks, a stegadon, terrains... rippers... a lot of...
Nice color scheme.
Great fun! I enjoyed every moment. And I really need to enlist for another set or two... now that I only have two of them left to paint... ;)
Thanks! Glad you like it!
o_OTomorrow! I promise, tomorrow I'll post a picture of the first finished guy... Today it's another whip cause I messed it up with the washes...
Had some time to continue on my @woogity colosus... pictures of the first finished guy will follow tomorrow!
And you already have a plan for a mirror to watch yourself carrying it around! ;):cool:
Again with shisha! I like this Mazdamundi guy more and more... ;)
Yeah really looking good!