Don't think I've ever seen official lore causing this big a problem in the established world of a game. Destroying an entire faction and an...
Hadn't even considered endless spells yet. Does this also mean the nighthaunt dissappear now? Their existence is also solely based on the...
None of those have been build up to be as powerfull as Nagash currently is though. They might eventually be as powerfull and achieve something as...
I mean, they also invaded the realm of death with giant floating bits of land to go and tear down some big monuments which apparently went well...
So we go from all 3 other grand allegiances needing to gang up on Nagash to try and fight him. And even then they only stop him on accident cuz...
eh what?
He's still available over here. Probably just the usual weird stocking nonsense GW has.
Not necesarly saying they're underpriced, it just surprises me they have so little at 150+. For a fairly "elite" MSU army they have surprisingly...
Well, Point-wise, everything seems on the cheap side? Suprisingly little in the 150+ bracket. Would've expected some of their more elite troops...
It doesn't necesarly need to be new stuff. It's mostly a matter of spinning existing stuff in an appropriatly fluffy way. Our tome is filled with...
I wouldn't exactly call it a battletome that has a lot of love poured into it. I mean, we got nonsense like our faction terrain, several useless...
do none of them have any command abilities to actually spend those CP on? Also, loreseeker is weirdly powerfull for a wizard, 6 attacks total...
Sigh... The severith seems weird, why does he have so many bonusses/special rules for getting into melee range when he's supposed to be a ranged...
The terrain piece provides one casting/unbinding/dispelling re-roll for someone who's in range and one free command ability per turn for a hero...
reaaally fearing that's going to be a thing.. the cows already give their dedicated aelfs a +1 attack buff, and those have similarly effective...
They are 10 random aelves for someone who's playing his first game against lumineth and doesn't know their fluff. As far as they can tell it's a...
It's manageable, assuming theyr're expensive enough to not be spammed. But it sure as hell isn't going to be much fun dealing with (near)...
O for crying out loud.... Why would you design them like that.... They better be hellishly expensive... Also the link for those who haven't seen...
they can also fly in some circumstances, so yeah screening them is going to be a pain...
You can still pile in if you charged. If you didn't charge you need to be within 3" to pile in. However, even if you charged this can easily be a...