Meh, having such an extreme outlier as basestats is inherently problematic because it's very easy to cause it to spiral out of control with even a...
seems like whomever made them powerfull in 6th and 7th might have moved to AoS then :P
weren't eldar quite powerfull for several editions as well?
It's making me curious who at GW is such an elf fan. And such an indiscriminate elf fan as well, it's not like it's only the archetypical high...
It's all going to depend on what other weapons they get on their warscroll. Individually they're ridiculous, but if this is all they have then the...
More aelve nonsense, even GW now calls them ridiculously good so that's rather silly. Fairly silly statlines, but its going to depend heavily on...
I think that's the list of stuff that can be found in here. So no future projects, but it does leak the prices.
Is he? I would swear it's a backpack. I mean sure, but this can't possibly be good PR-wise. Especially when you consider that the pandemic has...
Also, new army sets for the broken realms, nothing too exciting imho. Also, a second lumineth tome? What exactly was the point of their first...
What do you mean? There's also new zombie models. I'm curious how much of a force that new boxed game isgoing to give you given that half the box...
Soulblight vampires seem to be getting an updated range. Which I guess is nice, most of the old skeletons and zombies aren't terribly good looking...
The odd thing is that for underworlds the warband seems to be quite well developed. - unique mechanic that screws with hexes/objectives on their...
If I remember correctly it's supposed to allow them to control the living mountain to some extend. And in the underworld game this is represented...
Kixi-Taxa has an extra wound and D3 damage on it's melee attack for some inexplicable reason, which is better than a regular priest. So I guess...
What a weird unit. Why doesn't Klaq-Trox have any advantage over a regular oldblood? Why can't Kixi-Taka buff Klaq-trox? What's the point of...
Sure, it doesn't make the slightest bit of sense and is game-y. But I don't think you can make a general flying bonus like that that will work...
O yeah good point. The fact that they're an appropriate size with enough room on platforms and large enough gaps to fit things, and with windows...
I'm honestly not certain if that is a good thing for the game. Sure it's manageable for opponents, but AoS has enough powercreep and high-damage...
yeah you're version at 340 is probably fine, though I'm not sure about that potential 7/2+/2+/-1/3. That seems high, at least at first glance....
Bear in mind you can drop your rocks during any movement, walking, running, charging, piling in, retreating. It's surprisingly easy to get your...