Honestly there's only 2 reasons we're so disliked. The first: Shooting in AoS is inherently problematic because there's no downside or mechanical...
Belakor reveal. He's quite big. Neat model though.
Looks like a neat model.
The chance of being turned into a chaos spawn is also equal for everyone :P Point being, chaos is an equal oppertunity employer who cares not...
You mean this story? At best the lumineth brings across the message of "stop ruining this alliance we've got going on with the stupid but...
At least under chaos everyone has an equal oppertunity to become a champion :p Sigh.. you'd think they'd provide us with examples of the allied...
Quick question though, has there actually been a story yet where the lumineth where actually helpfull for the other order factions? I mean, even...
Meh, at least the humans and dwarves aren't activly sabotaging their own alliances on a faction-wide scale... Or worse, their own freaking plans...
yeah to be honest, warhammer occasionally overdoes the grimdarkness and just turns its villains into mustache twirling cartoon villains... It's...
Not even the in-universe humans like the aelfs.
Meh, at least the new vampires are for factions that haven't recieved new models in a while. The aelves are definitly the worst part of that deal :p
Honestly such a waste and dissapointment, I don't think I had even painted my box of endless spells before our main advantage was completly removed.
Meh, activation shenenigans are fine in principle. But it needs to be kept super limited otherwise it gets overwhelming against anyone who doesn't...
I mean, a lot of the monster cards are essentially just soldiers from various armies. So I can see how'd you slot 40K in mechanicly. But logically...
So apparently we're getting magic the warhammer40K-ing
It is, but this specific weakness is a very game-y, competitive, optimize your army focussed weakness. Not a weakness that logically follows out...
To an extend, yes. At some point sacrifices will have to be made. But they need to be sensible, and not feel forced. There's three things that...
Might be, but it points to two other major issues. 1) Starborne & Coalesced really shouldn't have the same pointvalues since they have such...
Sadly it doesn't. This anwsers the question: "How do I win the overal game when flanking palladors are a thing I have to deal with" And your...
To make it the question more specific, because "what warscroll can unbuffed clear off 200 points of palladors" isn't entirely accurate as the...