Was conquering an AI and his allies and crushing them so far, after taking 3-4 quite large provinces killing one or two armies in each province...
That doesn't help when I need to defend a city against 8 armies running out of the fog of war in the span of 1 turn after already having defended...
meh, doomstacks aren't the problem. What's a problem is the tendency of the AI to show up with 3-4 doomstacks at once (if not more). It sucks when...
yeah, kind of dissapointed how little info the trailer gave. Would've loved to see some units or something.
new trailer
hopefully warhammer III fixes some of the issues the TW warhammer has, curious what the new factions will be like though.
you're restricted to the constelation artifact & the race appropriate artifacts (so saurus artifacts for saurus). You can't use an artifact from a...
ah yeah, battalions give + 1 artifact and +1 mount trait and all equivalent stuff. Usually mentioned in the description of artifacts/mount traits/etc.
subfactions all say something along the lines of "The first <subfaction> hero to recieve an artifact needs to be equiped with <subfaction...
you can pick one of the following: - coalesced - coalesced koatl's claw - coalesced thunder lizard - starborne - starbone dractothian's tail -...
Drop the dashes, it needs to be literally their name, spaces and capitalization included. And as @Imrahil pointed out, there's an autocomplete...
In fairness, here it had consequences, and loads of them die in the pursuit of perfection (see the article about the spirits and how they drown if...
That is not an advantage of the unit with the bad base stats on a warscroll. That's an advantage of having good support units. A unit with a...
meh, at least it's more interesting than the 40K and WFB variant were they birthed Slaanesh purely by simply being really depraved. Here it's...
Clearly it's something on the base of a space marine that the space marine just killed :p
And we're back to 12 models, the fox has two different builds (named hero versus generic wind spirit thing)
To be honest this probably is what makes us a pain to balance and why people are so quick to shout OP. Every combo we have relies on multiple...
If they just came out and admitted as much it wouldn't be half as annoying
the camel is the mounted lord thing, which I had already included, so 11. But yeah I forgot about the cloud rider.. Still an absurdly large update.
In fairness, wouldn't be the first model that isn't physically accurate. But I still think that this is the idea they're going for.