That makes 10, as that doesn't even include the four that are definitly confirmed. That gives the LRL an update that doubles them in size within a...
She could be on stilts, I think her legs roughly end where the suits knees begin, so it can work without breaking her legs. Much like performers...
loads of news Sisters of battle are apparently jealous of the grey knights: [IMG] The lumineth get their 3th name character model.... sigh. At...
Honestly, bit random he's attacking Nagash now. Kinda feels like this was meant to be released immeadiatly after or during the necroquake stuff,...
yeah, there's bits and pieces in white dwarfs and what not. Mostly along the lines of "there's this vampire and if you mention him near Nagash he...
There've been some hints about a specific vampire that opposes Nagash. Some old character from WFB that may or may not have survived. It's kinda...
Yay, not an aelf :P Now I just hope the vampires are actually interesting and fun and there's someone to finally oppose Nagash. And that it's not...
The slayer cults fitted into dwarven society at large perfectly fine in the old world. They can make a similar arrangement for AoS where...
There's honestly a disturbing amount of (sub)factions with only like 3-4 units, it's rather weird.
Possibilities: - elite vampire troops like SCE. - troops are young & weak vampires. - troops are halfbloods/thralls - troops are fodder undead,...
Mostly wishlisting. Also, while it might be too complicated for a FAQ; given how extensive the rulechanges have been in older GHB's I wouldn't be...
In fairness, Legions of Nagash is kind of underwhelming as far as it concerns vampires. It has a bunch of old hero models, that don't really fit...
My point is that I don't really think LRL & Slaanesh have a particularly solid base, there are glaring holes in their rosters. Slaanesh completly...
Meh, a staggered release is not so much new stuff as much as the first round is just incomplete. Don't get me wrong, getting new stuff down the...
In fairness, the vampires aren't currently a fullfledged army. Updating them to actually be an army seem fair enough. Imho LRL probably should've...
eh... what the hell. At least it's original I guess. Called it :p
meh, seen better gnomes
Thought I'd find you some gnome tanks. Apparently this is a gnome tank: [ATTACH] I am somewhat dissapointed.
Why did you hope for that?