Pretty sure he wrote the current Skaven book. So maybe we'll get some sweet OP stuff like our own HPA and Dreaded 13th-type ability for the Slann....
Welcome! I agree, there is a lot of good feedback from the members here. Not very much in-fighting either. As for your Skinks, don't give up on...
I believe the White Dwarf hits the shelves for us common folk on Monday. GW might be nice and post some stat-lines up on their website along with...
Marco Columbo!! What!!!??? That's awesome! Holy nostalgia, Batman.
Welcome to the forum! Just in time for our new book to pop out, so there should be plenty of forum traffic to help sustain you for quite some...
^^ Heck yeah. I can see flyer lists making a big showing. Someone please tell me I'm crazy for thinking that "Ripper"-dactyls is a play on the...
Immensely better looking pics! Yeah, those little flaming weapons look kinda neat. I was thinking they were flags on weapons or something at...
I don't have my books on me right now, but Saurus used to have a rule called Primal Fighter or something similar. This meant one attack was...
I like it :) Thanks for the video and pics! Trogladon has me pumped.
Ripperdactyls? Heck yes. I love the name if nothing else. Yay for new toys!
In terms of Poison... You could also argue that poisoned attacks auto-wound on a 6 when rolling to hit, and therefore could wound an ethereal...
Please no flying chariots..... I'd rather we went back to 2 Skinks per Terradon. As far I know, the only solid rumors we've had are: 1. Shiny...
Well welcome to the game! Let's see... Hope that helps :smug:
Welcome to L-O! 8,000 points? My goodness. Yeah, the Pyramid Vault seems to have dried up some time ago, but our resident keeper of LM secrets,...
Re: Spawning of Bob: History's Least Successful Skaven Invas *in a weezy old man voice* "Back in 5th edition, in what us cool cats called...
Had to google that one... I think it's spelled Phli'imz'i And Bob, internet friends don't count unless they're on Facebook.
Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar +1 to Stonecutter. Yeah, TG with a Slann are amazing. Most people are jealous that...
I like the Carnosaur... ::hides:: Yeah, everyone pretty much nailed it. It's a tough mount to use properly and definitely is not as powerful as...
I love this! It's hard to think about fighting your own army, but it can definitely happen if you are playing a tournament. Lizardmen Rock,...
TL;DR – Stegs are great! Take one! Heck, take two! These guys are pretty forgiving and usually pull their weight. Just watch out for cannons and...