I've heard that comment too. The argument was that the pips on the 6 side are missing and therefore the dice are all unbalanced. But I think mine...
On April 27th there is scheduled a 2500 point tournament. I am planning on attending. (and hopefully winning) With a little over 7 weeks to...
Well you definitely got the dirty/ashy look on the Saurus. Perhaps a bit too much for my tastes. But the colors look good. I had thought of doing...
Good report! I think the stuff skillfull_dan said is spot on. With your Engine, the effect that reduces casting costs is sometimes the best one...
Agreed! Not bad, Bob. I must say that your Salamander drawing is pretty good (and hilarious). Think you could make one of those licking his lips?...
Photobucket and imgur are both good. I know on Photobucket you can edit the pics after you upload them, so that's helpful. Not sure about imgur...
^^ Wise words. If you've got 10 minutes, check out this video. Kind of interesting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR2fxoNHIuU&feature=youtu.be...
Welcome! To be fair, the East coast of Texas is almost as humid as a jungle. Ever been to Houston? Bleh. Looks like you've got a pretty good...
Yet again, an amazing write-up. So predictable...
Well he does get a supporting attack for being in the 2nd rank.
I can see your point since page 4 says they cannot defend themselves and states that they have no skill in that area, but I would argue that the...
Maybe Orcs & Goblins? Large horde type armies. Abundance of comical mishaps. Strong but silly magic. "Hey, can you step on them? That'd be...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far. (Forest Finished) Sweet forest, n810. I'm liking the removable trees idea.
We have to buy both the Sword of Might and the Enchanted Shield at the points cost listed in our book, not the BRB. The sword doesn't really make...
Ahh, the great javelin/blowpipe debate continues... I recall posting the mathhammer for the damage output of javelins/blowpipes at one point. A...
The only major things I don't like are the block of 9 Kroxigor and your lack of Skinks. I would: Drop the Saurus to 2 blocks of 30. Drop 4...
You should post your typical list in the army lists section so we can help you make it more tailored for Chaos. Bloodcrushers and Bloodletters...
Haha, uh oh. Seems as though your diplomacy tactics are becoming your own enemy. Maybe it's because you don't have a Slann to lead them. Good...
Wow. Awesome battle report. Are you doing a series of these? Like a book maybe? Nice Salamander too. :smug:
I have some magnets at home that I can look at to give you a good answer. Mine are 1/16" thick.