Ripped from the threads of Warseer, here are some snapshots from the book. --snip!-- Link removed Looks like army-wide Hatred,random magic...
This Skink has a pretty nice helmet. Only $9 in the US and he's still a part of the current range. Should be pretty easy to get your hands on a...
Sorry for the threadromancy. Last night I was going through my old books looking for my Border Princes map and I ended up also finding my...
Here's the build I made for the Arena of Death. He went up against a Killing Blow-proof Dwarf so he didn't last very long. Fortunately on the...
According to that trend we shouldn't get a new book until 2015. Makes me wonder how true these rumors are.
For Saurus there was a thread on that some time ago. Link: Saurus Warriors - To horde or not! My opinion is that it makes them very cumbersome...
What lore are you going to take? Life looks like the best option with this list as-is. That Skink Chief needs Light Armor and a Shield at least....
Well first of all I can see that both lists will cause much hatred towards you. All skirmisher lists tend to pull out the worst in people. The...
Fluff-wise the options are limitless. The world of Warhammer is nicely set up that way. The Lizardmen army book suggests that right now the only...
Yay! More conversions! Very cool looking guys and excellent paint jobs. I like the underbelly of the Skinks. Very defined but natural looking.
Dang! Good looking conversions. The new TG kit has endless bits and opportunities for this kind of stuff. Oh, and the Saurus kit has a few...
Ha! Yeah, he kind of does have chicken legs. Amazing what details are brought out with this paint job.
I moved my Carnosaur over to a chariot base since that's what they're supplied with nowadays. It makes him very stable and also easier to move...
I agree with n810. When you compare Saurus to Orcs you need to keep in mind that each Saurus has 2 attacks. That means we have a much higher...
The command group is 30 points. You could run them like Rettile suggested as barebones units. Or you could drop the extra handler and both...
My prediction for Salamanders is that they will still be Skirmishers but be given the Move or Fire rule. Pretty simple fix. Warseer rumor threads...
Welcome to the forum! We have one member on here that has busted out the snow/ice theme. It looks pretty snazzy. He's even got a fluff piece...
I really need to get a copy of this campaign. Sounds like fun but I'm not sure how to give advice since I don't really know all of what you are...
Dang. Those are super nice. I like the Orc's war axe with congealed blood. Looks like he hasn't gotten around to wiping it off yet. For the...
Here you go: [attach] [attach] [attach] He looks good. I like the skull head too. Very primitive and kind of creepy. Maybe put a light brown...