Haha well okay, seems no one Yes I agree, clearly the responsibility of conveying the meaning of the story is on the author, not the readers....
Eh... Nuts nuts nuts. Scalenex I am going to break protocol and identify my story here. I am on a single vote so I doubt that it will have any...
A couple of stories in and it's great stuff Scalenex - perhaps a refresher of the theme should be in the OP?
awesome got a spare half an hour and submitted come tomorrow i will work or uni for 138 hours across 12 days eep
i have a great idea for this one... i also have a full time job, about to start full time study, and about to get another part time job my full...
This one gets me every time: [MEDIA]
You are contributing to attendedness culture with that comment
Okay we are posting responses to critques here? Okay here goes: I just love this review! And I'm sorry to hear about your failed attempt to rule...
Okay thanks so much for this. Although I only had 4 votes, I am pleased that my story seems to have stuck with some people. Sword = phallic =...
Yes I think that my stories may not suit the short story format. Once you read one you tend to go straight to the next. But anyway, thanks for the...
Wow what a great review. I'm on my phone at the moment but I will go over fully later. Thanks for such effort in the write up!
hahahaha classic bob!
Trinity I stared at reflection in my sword. The years had only made me sharper. As a champion of the mighty Slann As'cloxi I led a large block...
I thought mine might have been the easiest to spot, but then, it seems everyone thought that about theirs. I'll open a thread soon and address...
Great critique there Bob but no more cryptic guesses? Yes I am gagging for phase three. It is weird not being able to discuss the critique given...
Great write up Bowser. Now just waiting for Bob's opus. No cryptic guesses this time? I was thinking mine was rather easy to work out.
i need to play some hero quest
glad i continue to rail against the age of copyright bow'xa likes everyone, hahaha