I would not field any jungle swarms, purely because they are inferior to other swarms like Tomb Swarms. For the same amount of points as jungle...
Man, I must be a noob. I started mid-2007 with TK, and, after buying the old LM vs Bret starter from a retired player, got hooked on Lizards....
I like using salamanders because their flaming attack is more different from normal skink shooting than the razordon's shooting is. My army...
Sounds fun! I'm in! When do you think the game will start? I hope the first victim will die like this: :mad:
IMO the most useful models in a TK army are the Ushabti, my unit of 4 is the only thing that won't fall over if the Heirophant gets killed, which...
I agree with you there, Corbachev. Plastic still might not help, though, I have a Bret friend who has broken all of his Pegasus knights (darn...
I love Chakax for his sculpt, when I got him I couldn't believe how big and complicated he was for a $15 blister. Can't wait to paint him! The new...
Hi guys, I'm new to the forums and have a question: Many of the common magic items, like sword of striking and sword of battle, are simply...