Copy it and color the copy... It looks good as a sketch...
This looks good... Seems like it works and we're going to see a lot of new conversions with self-made parts here. That's good! Now go and convert...
Looks good! And yes, you are using the same plants I used for the tree. ;)
So we have a guest, who is staying until Wednesday... I had to get my things into the living room as our office (my hobby room and office in one)...
That would be awesome! Something like a solar beam with black light and if you push the button the whole thing starts glowing in a mysterious way!...
The tehenhauin is really cool! All great stuff you got there! Party on! *unst unst diggi diggi unst*
That's the important part! ;) WIPs would be nice,too... :P
I think it was lexicanum or so where I read a article that covered their story... They were based in the south lands and fought against and...
I wanted to say the same thing! ;) +1
Yes magic became quite simple in aos... ;) For me that's ok... I don't play very much and I like it quick and simple... And the specialisation of...
I agree... Reptiles (and as far as I know dinosaurs, too) tend to grow bigger all their lives... But the growing gets slower with age... Which is...
I know what you mean when "complaining" about the Slann... But it's the same as with every unit... Read the description of the kroxigors... If you...
You could get out hammer and chisel and carve some lizard glyphs in the wall behind you. ;)
I actually like the live recorded voice in videos like that. But sure it would be good to have some kind of script when you start making longer...
In your case it's definitely worth the time you spend... In my case I'm not always sure... ;)
Good to hear that. I tend to think everyone else finishes his models in maximum 2 hours... ;) Great work by the way!
Nice start! I'm interested in how this will develop in the future! Keep going! ;)
Just have a look at the painting and converting section... There are many cool ideas on here! Easiest way I guess is to just use the commander's...
Whoot! Been really busy the last days... Just little time for painting... As I want the colossi and rex to be really nice painted ( or as good as...
Only one can be general... So there is nothing to stack... The second one can't use his command ability...