Nice cold ones! I like the muddy natural look! And the troglodon looks nice, too. Sure it's wip? I just can see the thumbnail right now, cause I'm...
Big up the metal stegadons! Excellent model! Looking forward to seeing it! ;)
@Scalenex Thanks for bringing this one up again... Missed it, too... *facepalm *
Someone here on the forum recommended the following recipe for painting stone on bases... Think it was @Bracnos... Basecoat with a medium grey (or...
That's a damn lot of skulls and bones! Looks great!
Poor cold one... I guess that guy is not the friendly kind of rider... ;) Bad ass!
Here we go! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The rex with grey scales added and some armor... [ATTACH] Two colossi... There is kind of a background story...
Like your sally... And the stegadon for your son is great!
Here the rex! [ATTACH] Am still concerning to glace the red part of the rider, too... But I'm hesitating... The armor and the saddle will be...
Experiment done... [ATTACH] Looks OK... Though I hoped for more... Don't know if green stuff would have looked less messy... Did some glueing on...
What a beast!
It's from the 10mm scale game derivat called warmaster... As far as I know...
She did! Actually we got some trouble cause of jealousy... ;)
Not only @Mrs. NIGHTBRINGER makes cakes! Here a coproduction of my wife and my sister made for my daughter's birthday celebration today in...
You work for the emscher-genossenschaft?! ;):P Nice collection... So many Slann... So many metal stegadons... Really cool.
So... Not much painting today (actually already yesterday here;) ) ... My fingers needed something else to do... Took the opportunity to make some...
Keep them sealed! This package will be worth millions when you manage to pass it to grandchildren! ;):P
Thanks guys The scales are really a hard testing for my patience... ;) but I hope it's worth it! ;)
my Rex's mount so far.... still heavy WIP... that model looks nice even unpainted, so... ;) Still unsure if the downside of the tail should be...