Right. For most troops it's 16" to test for frenzy. 4" move + double 6's = 16"
Holy Skinks! Adding Terradons would be fun. You only need 5 of them to get up to 1500.
There are plenty of LM players here that swear by Life. That should be evidence enough that it does indeed work. That's pretty standard. I do it...
Re: Qupakoco's Cohorts Wow, that looks much better. I didn't even think about doing that. Thanks guys! I'll be slowly re-basing my whole army to...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far. (2 down 3 to go) Man, your stuff is crazy good. I would love to play a game on your table.
Re: Qupakoco's Cohorts CARNOSAUR!!! [attach] [attach] Thanks for the tips, everyone. The cork really gives that broken ground effect and makes...
I actually just now added up the dice of all those who have paid and I see that we are already over 500. Sweet.
Umm, Skink Priests can't use Light... Maybe I am missing something you said earlier? You definitely will appreciate Iceshard Blizzard at 1000pts....
I think coupling the Bane Head with Death is the basics of a good Death Slann. Very likely auto-kill any BSB so long as he is wounded. Another...
Is it at all possible that the lack of people paying will drop us below 500 dice, therefore changing the price? Not that 8 cents per dice is a...
Well if you've only lost once, I don't think your list needs much help, lol. You could drop the Plaque of Protection. He already gets a Look Out...
No BSB? :shifty: Jk, you probably don't need one at this level. Looks pretty good though. Your Scar-vet is 2+ AS, 2++ vs Fire, 6++ vs...
Don't get me wrong here, I love Kroxigor. BUT, for their points you could get a good sized unit of Skrox. That's a better trade-off for a...
I don't have that kind of patience. I took 2 hours to paint 9 skinks, and I thought that took too long. Great paint jobs though! Very clean...
Sweet jungle! You can literally move any unit into the jungle. So simple. I know what you mean with the bending and gap filling nonsense. I...
Re: Qupakoco's Cohorts Small update: I finally finished up the unit of Skinks that my avatar goes with. I repainted that little guy a bit also....
Gratz! That's probably a good yearly number to shoot for. Well the end of the year is getting close! I recently purchased a box of skinks, so...
Don't forget to remove individual point cost! That's a pretty tough list for 1200 pts. With your spare points you should make the Slann a BSB and...
Those do look better. I was thinking they were just going to be the outline of the head like the other ones, but the solid fill looks really good.
Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards Awesome army! I am definitely a fan of the green color scheme. Good inspirational stuff in here.