13 His Brother's Boat At the confluence of the rivers within the city bounds, the ship nosed into the main channel of the Reik, fully unfurled...
12 Elf Camp Magnus took trusted representatives of his council with him to the Elven encampment. Bullenscheisse was there to represent the...
11 Aftermath Although the second battle for Altdorf was over, the battle for the Reikwald Forest had only just begun. Only half of the beast...
10 On the Field The monsters grumbled forward and paused just outside of crossbow shot as if they were held back by invisible chains. The huge...
9 On the Wall Malodor writhed and clutched his limp right arm. He had been too slow in breaking his connection with the doom bull who was even...
8 At the Gate "Mage! There is a mage!" Teclis stabbed a finger at an individual who bobbed in the seething ocean of hate that swirled outside...
7 On the Wall Malodor his brother shamen restrained the bray-herd until it was clear that the heavy cavalry were not about to return and catch...
6 Rescue Magnus' squadron of knights of Nuln had met little resistance along the road from Altdorf. The beasts close to the city had let them...
5 Reikwald The night had been the longest and bitterest that any of the men of Nuln had ever experienced. Dawn, rather than bringing a reprieve...
4 Outside the City Beastmen, more than any other faction, fit the title, 'the Children of Chaos'. Eight thousand years earlier, when the earth...
Those who suck at painting and gaming still have the noble pastime of fluff reading / writing open to them. Get ye some on the Fluff subforum.
3 Reikwald In the aftermath of the anticlimactic Battle of Altdorf, the new Elector Count of Reikland and soon-to-be emperor had given Captain...
2 Palace Emperor and Engineer returned the salutes of the door wardens as they arrived at the Imperial Palace and entered its cold interior....
1 Altdorf As was his habit, Emperor Magnus the Pious was up well before dawn. Ordinarily he would have duties of command to attend to, or at the...
Scourge of the Empire Prologue Armin Wechsel was a respected money changer in the city of Nuln. His father had held the same status, and his...
The Great War Against Chaos Trilogy Book 2: Scourge of the Empire (35000 words) If you would like to read the continuity stories that come...
Much better. NOW you can start posting:)
Illustration for Rogue Skink here
Hooray! Finally got inspiration. But what are all these cracked knuckles doing around here?
There is a tiny Terms and Rules tab at the bottom of the screen, but is very generic. The forum had a major upgrade at the start of 2015, and the...