What's not to love about a more mature gentle-lizard? Let me start a list...
Sneaky fluffy bunny? I'm a saurus warrior dammit! You really need to go to the optometrist. He will ask you to do this ;). Then he will give...
Get your eyes checked, gramps. It was 8/12/15 all along ;)
Maybe holding your breath is the best option after all.
Hey @n810 - new png from the Bob and Friends thread [img] Apparently you are authorised to go crazy.
New friend 8/12/15 @tom ndege You will need to go to the custom avatar thread for context. [img]
This is kind-of army fluff... Some of my favourite ever fluff on L-O was a narrative campaign report named "Finding the Naq" by @thedarkfourth...
Here are the links to all of the published instalments of Finding the Naq - May there be many more! To kill a firebird Get to the choppa! Of...
Tough kindergarten you go to...
I'm excited.
Hold the thought, not hold your breath.:confused:
That depends on your point of view.
Hold that thought, Tom. I was just about to show case some un avatarised SoB goodness - available in a range of colours!
Be careful, even momma crocodile's hospitality has limits....
Ignore Crowsfeet and his many other wrinkles! The first thing you must do is write some fluff background for your army in the fluff section.