Stormcast all the things!!
One can only hope ;)
There is no way Seraphon get the squat. The amount of rage in this thread over a silly Warhammer stream game (which are never competitive) and...
I'm with @Aginor on this one. Seraphon simply can't compete consistently with the best books in the game at the moment. Death walks all over us.
IMO skinks are basically too strong as is. But i'd love if poison came back in some way. An extra hit on a 6, MAYBE MORTAL WOUNDS!? Poison was...
Mathmatically, isn't it still better to use them on the Jaws?
Generall the Jaws are where it's at.
Maybe let saurus have 2 club/spear attacks and make the +1 to hit the only horde bonus at 20 models? I think that would help a lot, losing the...
IMO give them a 4+ save and it goes a looooong way to making them competitive. Having their horde bonuses be static or at 10-20 would be a huge...
Played my first game against LON (with nagash) at a 1-dayer over the weekend. Great player, great list that had Nagash, a necro, 60 some odd...
I like taking units of 40 :( i would be worried an extra wound would cut their max size down. I'd rather see their horde bonuses stay as long as...
I run 2 units of 40 in my Fangs list. I've found them to be pretty effective most of the time, it's just hard to compare to the pure efficiency of...
Thats just the difference between the old kit and the new kit. The new kit (in WHFB) could be made into a Stegadon, Ancient Steg, or EOTG. Ancient...
SUN CLAW SUN CLAW SUN CLAW YEAR OF THE SAURUS!!! ... in all seriousness Guard just get absolutely obliterated by MW and theres generally no...
I know in 40k you can't do something like that, but I don't know about AoS.
I think it's more of the timeline that's in question than anything else.
Those are just my words to describe the action taking place.
Is this the case? I would think because the Black Knights aren't a valid target, you wouldn't be able to actually target them, regardless of if...
I usually cast 1 spell a turn (usually Summon Starlight or my endless spell if i have one) and then forgo the other 2 for summoning points. Let's...