Nice, always looking for more seraphon painters to follow. Just threw you one too crows!
Sorry, its a 40k term. It stands for "Feel No Pain" and refers to a save you can take to all wounds lost (mortals, after all failed armor saves, etc).
Anything over their current points cost would be unusable IMO, unless they are bumped to 2 wounds. IMO Saurus should be exactly as they are, but...
I think it always comes down to the Rule of Cool. If you paint them up real nice, maybe add a few extra green stuff spikes or an exceptionally...
Which is why i'd rather see just a little bump here or there. Maybe a +1 to save, a rend on the bite attack, or something else. They really don't...
Yeah, expect to spend 70-100 bucks on movement trays for a full sunclaw army. I'm going through that painful experience right now.
Holy yes please batman. Saurus would be arguably the best battle line unit in the game if they had 2 wounds and ignored up to -2 rend!...
If you used the Astrolith to buff bastis and razordons you're prolly fine, but if you used it to give any kind of substantial unit (40 saurus or...
Age of Sigmar, IMO, should not be played without using one of the 18 battle plans available to you. A fight to the death is never going to favor...
I imagine its a trollish thing for moonclan gobbos.
For sure! I think i'm going to start trying different things and see what happens. I really like the idea of using Light of Dracothion, so I might...
Figured i'd give everyone an update! Overall my first AoS tournament experience was an absolute blast. Played 3 great games against Nurgle...
That's where my head was at as well. Wish I had a better target for the sword of judgement, but the dimensional blade on the sunblood is still...
My only concern about incandescent Retrices is the chance it does nothing. I feel like a sure thing, like miasmatic blade, is better over the...
Thanks for the advice! I was definitely leaning towards talisman as well, my slann is basically untouched every game but I've never played against...
Hello Seraphon friends! I'm attending my first AoS tournament this Saturday (been to a bunch of 40k, but never an AoS) and i'm going back and...
Those are both perfect, thank you!
This is my kind of post! Personally I think Lizardmen were at their strongest in 6th edition, with 7th as a close second. 6th edition Slann was...
Hoping to finish up my ~60 saurus warriors. Currently they are base coated and in need of shading, highlighting, and basing. My second goal is...
Thanks! I actually haven't looked to see if something would be available for purchase, so i'll definitely check my local hobby store for their...