I have a bit of a unique question. I'm planning on making a "pine forest" type base for my lizards. Think Pacific Northwest (if you're familiar...
Those are seriously cool
Whoa! Those are some awesome models.
You are not! It will be available for preorder this Saturday (tomorrow) or the next one, not sure. It just isn't available to pre-order yet, so...
It's hard for me to ever pick a game over WHFB, just because I have so many good memories of it. The nostalgia is strong :) I will say that AoS...
137 saurus warriors, nice :) Run Fangs of sotek with 3 squads of 40 warriors!! I don't know how good that would be, but it would be amazing to...
I've always wanted Saurus heavy cav, something that could compete with mournfang or the like from WHFB. I don't really know if there's a place for...
Mine do as well, but sometimes it doesn't sit quite as snug as you'd like. How do you guys magnetize the banners? I'd be nervous about drilling...
Second this! With the way the howdah thing sits on the back of the stegadon, it's really easy to magnetize the whole thing to his back.
Those points are spot on, especially 7. It's too easy to forget how easily objectives can swing things in your favor if you jump out to an early...
Totally agree. I guess i don't notice the problem as much because I just use the App for everything. If nothing else i'd LOOOOOOVE endless spells....
Agreed. Some of our basic units (saurus, i'm looking at you) are quite outdated, but I think overall the range looks pretty nice.
You need to play objective games with Seraphon. The game is horribly imbalanced when you're just trying to murder each others models.
That is an unecessarily inflammatory statement to a huge swath of people that play the rule as it is written. You don't need to plant for squat,...
I can't help but feel like Seraphon are a ways off for an updated Battletome. Compared to a lot of armies, we are pretty well off and just got a...
With all this talk of killing things it got me thinking... do any of the 18 missions require you to kill anything? I've noticed in my Age of...
love it! I run a very similar list and i've had a lot of success. I'd suggest dropping the second basti for either an astrolith or a stegadon....
That weapon is so much fun. I like putting it on the verminlord corruptor. 10 plague reaper attacks that reroll to hit passively :)
saurus oldblood on a carno with a doppleganger cloak is a sneaky good combat unit IMO. Lots of fun defensive shenanigans you can do with that...