I know i've said it here before, but i've been having a lot of success in my local meta with the Fangs of Sotek battalion. My list: Slann w/ Vast...
You need to focus on the hags and the cauldron of blood so you can fight the witch aelves. If you can't limit the buffs Witch Aelves get before...
joined the discord group! That seems to work just as well.
Those seem fairly aggressive. EotG at 260 wouldn't be awful, but no one would (or should) take tquake at 200.
Agreed, i'd also like one. I could never get the last one to work.
Morathi doesn't seem like she'd be the main concern regardless, its the hordes of witch elves. I feel like any difficult fight for seraphon...
Warriors should match knights (90 for 10, maybe 340 or 320 for 40) in points Skinks should probably go up to 70. Rippers should go up to 150....
I think I found your problem ;) I've always felt that the game plays better with a good chunk of terrain on the table (including some LOS pieces)....
This is my reason. I bring one or two 10-man units of skinks in my FoS list just to screen my saurus blocks from getting destroyed before they can...
I almost exclusively summon skinks. I just throw bodies at objectives and wait for the game to end :)
2 carnos IMO. Carnos are just way more fun.
I run all my guys with clubs. i'd magnetize them if you don't mind the hassle, but the idea of magnetizing 90 saurus warriors did not sound fun to me.
I would seriously doubt it. I don't think Seraphon should expect a new battletome or any buffs anytime soon, but who knows!
I've used Knights a lot, and they are always underwhelming. They don't do nearly enough damage, they don't last nearly as long, they aren't nearly...
No, not necessarily. Tail is often ran with minimum battle line so it has room for lots of extra bits. Tail is often the base for the EoTG spam...
I think whatever you give up in maneuverability you gain in board presence. You can just cover so much of the board at any given time,...
Possible, just less effective because the base of the battalion is so expensive. I have success at 1k points playing a Battalion-less army and...
I run mine with Javelins for the same reason... it's not at all because i modeled all of them with Javs in 8th :(
It's really pretty awesome, it makes him pack a sneaky punch. With 5 attacks hitting on 2s, exploding on 5s, and wounding on 2s, exploding into d3...