Not a bad looking list. The BSB + crown of command + ethereal Slann combo will probably make some of the other players mad if you use it right. He...
Dang. What an awful day to be a human, tainted by chaos or not. How did you like running the 10-man skink cohorts as opposed to skirmishers?...
I'm pretty sure any unit in front of the carno will provide him with heavy cover (-2 to hit). So keeping him behind any fighting unit or some...
Looks like a good list. The channeling will add to your dice pool, so it works for any of your wizards. Be careful with your krox though. Keep...
Personally, I never take TG unless I can field at least 20 of them with a slann. I've had them fighting bloodcrushers head on, flanked by a...
That sounds awesome. I would be interested as I am not an avid terrain craftsman. Your pricing for something like that sounds reasonable....
Sounds like it was a blast. (a blast of screaming skulls to your face, that is) They won't always be that good, but yeah more warmachine hunters...
Stewart is after all a champion. (according to his sig anyway) This sounds like fun. I spent a little time with Battle Chronicler last night...
Can't go wrong with 3 Krox. I think those 50 skinks would fare you better as 5 squads of 10 skirmishers. They will likely perform much better...
^^ I second that ^^ Low initiative is a real pain in the butt sometimes. But then we are also S4, T4, and have 2 attacks to make up for it. And...
According to the BRB, the command group of a unit HAS to be in the front rank. If there is no room for characters in the front rank, due to the...
Yah, we don't have an 8th ed book yet. Make sure you get all caught up on the LM FAQ that brings our army into the 8th ed rules....
Gotcha. I was treating this item more or less the same as the Amulet of Itzl with a 2++ save that went away after use, including the +1 AS....
The Charmed Shield entry on BRB page 502 says, Shield. One use only. The first hit suffered ... is discounted on a roll of 2+. Two questions...
3 Stegs and a Carnosaur? The cannon crews are going to have their work cut out for them. Especially with that 5+ ward bubble and the hail of...
Yah, the Frenzy of Cold Ones is their strength. They are pretty much fast saurus with poor leadership. I just ran across the Terradon Scroll of...
I too am disappointed in the lack of IF and miscast. If you take both a lvl 1 and lvl 2 priests with your slann you can easily cast all of the...
Excellent advice so far. Don't forget to remove point cost for individual items and troops. GW IP protection stuff. Also, remember that at least...
Looks like you've thought this out quite well. You're going to need a lot of zombie LM models to pull it off, lol. Haha! Oh, so much fun. I have...
Another great write-up. For units of 21-49 skinks, I have used them a few times as tarpit tarpits. They hold up relatively well against Skaven...