That's awesome, thanks for the info! Gives you a lot of control over your drops which is pretty cool.
Is that true for all battalions, or is it something unique to the Eternal Starhost? Sorry for the potentially silly question but i'm just...
Wow saurus are on 32's? Yikes, thanks for letting me know! I'll definitely need to invest in some round bases then...
Thanks for the advice! Is there any benefit to bringing more than the necessarily battleline units? I was thinking about running 2 larger blocks...
Hello LO friends! I’ve been out of the game for a very long time (only played a few games of AOS pre points) but I’ve decided to dust off the...
Hellloooo everyone! Just looking through our 9th age book for the first time. I've been up to my eyeballs in 40k, and haven't touched fantasy...
Why? It won't bring fantasy back. It'll just ensure fantasy in any form it could take will never happen. I'd never wish something like that to...
I'm actually much more interested in just continuing to play 8th, but definitely interested in where the whole 9th thing goes.
So much this. Honestly, it felt like more of a burden for new players as veterans had their guess measuring down perfectly. Might as well have...
For the most part, at least in the meta that existed during 8th. Other than frost phoenix and chimera how many monsters did you really see in the...
I guess I look at it from the perspective of even an HPA was regularly left out of competitive skaven lists (in favor of cannon/doomwheel), but it...
HPA isn't actually that bad. They are a good example of a monster done right IMO.
I wonder if taking the scar vet carno and a life/high magic slann would be better for wound regen. I wonder if you'll see a ton of cannons...
I agree completely.
A balanced game is an impossible task. It would be foolish to set out to attempt something like that. 8th edition is very balanced for a...
I think that sounds very reasonable.
Haha, that was the attempt even if it didn't come across in the best way :)
That makes sense. I'll be honest, the more i read about all this 8.1/openhammer/ninth hammer stuff the more I'm disliking it. And i can't...
There are a lot of aspects about this that i dislike immensely. It feels too different. The whole weather thing kind of throws me off too....
No change to carnosaur? Not a huge fan of the lizardmen changes. The point reductions/increases feel a little all over the place and not very...