There has been extensive discussion about it since before the book came out. After it cooled down a bit everyone stopped caring because theres no...
I wasn't trying to say you did. Sorry if it came across that way. Was merely expressing to you what my opinion was.
there is still a disconnect here. Or at least just as much of a disconnect as rebasing models for aesthetic reasons considering the models are...
I'll have to go look through my book, or it might be the lighting but the bastilodon and stegadon did look different to me. My follow up would...
Just as a quick note @NIGHTBRINGER these models haven't been rebased, they are completely new. Also, you didn't really answer why they strictly...
Honestly, I just think he looks super badass.
oops! hehe. :turtle:
Aesthetics. For the same reason why sometimes the models are without bases. Or on more elaborate bases. We all know GW views themselves as...
I'm totally with you 110%. My thought process has always been "how do you attract new customers if the old customers are constantly bad mouthing...
There is literally no way they would force anyone to rebase their models. It simply will not happen. Also, please don't call these rumors...
They are tactical in different ways. This mostly comes down to the fact that 40k is an objective based game and fantasy is not. Fantasy is more...
Their prices areally fine because every alternative of similar quality is the same cost. Warmahordes isn't cheap (per model) and neither is...
I don't think they care. I don't think they ever intended it to be "great". I think it was always intended to be lackluster, cool looking, and...
No worries man, just a little confused was all. I think what you're suggesting is quite hard, simply because there's so many variables in...
So you were just curious... or???? I don't understand why you decided to specifically call out my post when there are literally dozens of posts...
Would depend on how much the equipment costed. 3 would be too much, a squad of 30 would be almost a hundred points less. It was a mostly off the...
I'm not sure what you mean. Are you referring to when I said "appropriate point the options" because I didn't use anything I just stated it...
I think this is really the best way to look at it/approach devs should be taking.
The prices of consoles really haven't gone down that much. With a couple exceptions prices have been roughly between 350-450 dollars (adjusted...