But you know, the count is about painted models not based models... It thought @Crowsfoot has made a clear statement about it! ;) :P
ok ok @Crowsfoot wins with 2000 points extra...
So @Crowsfoot wins with 181 :147(+a few)!;) But @SlanntaClause wins the slann subcategory by. 12:3... So much about the obvious...;):P
Which one will be the red nosed one? ;)
Don't you have some older neighbours around? You could help them for some little money... Mowing the lawn or stuff like that... Or if you want to...
Yes. Don't know what you planned, but keep going... ;)
The part about the Astrolith sounds nice! ;)
Really nice! I really like the look of the whole model! Especially all the small details like the strings of the armour and the blood on it's...
Yes the pose is excellent!
Really great stuff! Especially I like the horns on the old blood's chair throne...
Here Lord Boab the high Lord of the City of Herbs... [ATTACH] Not really done as you see, but I sadly had to rebox him due to moving home... :(
And your stomach grows, too! ;)
Great! The second smoking slann I see! ;)
Yes! really brilliant! Quiet encouraging! (gonna start converting more, after we finished moving home... ) I like it a lot.
Yes! Congrats to the winners and all entrants as well! That was good fun! Enjoyed all the pictures of such nice models! Hope we can encourage more...
Oh yes. The random draws! Totally forgot about those!
Make one for everybody else in this forum! That would be a nice solution! ;)
Hi there! You still know me? ;) Been a bit quiet for some time and will be for another four to six weeks cause we're moving to a new house and my...
Looks good! Keep going!