I'd love to hear the specs. I've been back and forth about upgrading my own.
And back in your day games were the same price as they are now. Games cost more to make, and the cost to buy them hasn't increased from this...
Not a huge fan of how you chose to address me. You make a lot of assumptions about my opinions and experience when i've said very little. You...
Maybe when you and you're brother play. "Dark Elves deployed two groups of riders to each flank, warlocks and big rider groupto the center"...
If that was the case than the DE player should have been able to easily destroy one side. If you were spread out on the whole board the units on...
Well done. Was there a reason the dark elf player didn't just go up one of your sides? Was this not possible? how did he end up in combat so early?
Yep yep. There are certainly benefits to death other than the signature, i just find it to be by far the most useful spell in the deck....
So, I voted no. I took this question to be "how I play it" rather than "how should it be played" and, while i realize this is a no argument...
I find you don't really need purple sun all that often. You can get away with just the character snipes most of the time, which is actually why i...
I think death is hard to beat. It's so strong, especially on a slann. In a competitive environment it snipes points so easily, and allows a...
To be fair beastmen and TK got a nice little boost, but i think your point still stands.
I 100% agree. And honestly i think saurus can still fill that roll, they just need to have those options baked out in the form of...
I have the same issue, i just kind of shove them together as best I can. It doesnt look pretty but it works. Sometimes i'll include a unit...
I always thought having some benefit to such ferocious looking shields would be really cool. Very appropriate too, given the theme and fluff of...
Exactly. I mean, at the end of the day its basically taking a few of the strongest armies and making them even better. With no downsides....
I agree, but there are certainly ways you could make it realistic with point costs. I mean saurus really need A LOT to even be remotely...
I think Saurus just need more options. Cheaper and more options. Great weapons would be awesome, so would light armor. So would spawnings, with...
the players are not unlike because they are playing against like minded people. These aren't local tournaments but the largest yearly tournaments...
I know this is a tired argument but i really don't know what else to say on the topic. If magic wasn't good every single "top" tournament player...
I don't think they do anything physically. Even off their palanquins i think they float. They don't need to do anything physically, they...