Redoing my priest... Lost his right arm... Wanted to green stuff a new one and cut off the feathers from the left hand... Finally found the...
So nice! Great idea!
Started a new conversion today... So now I have two... Should I enter with the funny one or with a more serious one? ... Took a picture when I...
I'm finished with my lizardmen entry ... Conversion just started so it's about 20%done... Open category depends... Not really sure if I enter the...
Main problem is, that the pot is nearly empty now and I can't find the new big one I bought some months ago... ;):P
@Bracnos I know what you are feeling... ;) [ATTACH]
I don't think the whole set is useless... You might just end up with some brushes you don't really need or you won't use... ;) I guess you can...
Really cool! Looking forward for the other guys!
Yes! The feathers are really nice! Mind if I take some inspiration from this?
Should be an old temple guard axe... According to the creator of that model. ;)...
Yep! Really nice! I really like the look of them! Especially the blades and the blood...
Really nice! I especially love the skink hero/champion!
Both sounds familiar... That's exactly what I experience...
I paint the shields lying flat on a piece of kitchen towel... First the front then the back... When the basic colour has dried I do the details by...
He looks great! And all in all there is a fiery look on it! ;) Great work!
Good stuff! That's how 5th edition saurus should look like! ;)
Wow! Really some amazing stuff you have there! Especially the purple ripper look nice! And this troglodon! You said there are more pics to come? ;)
At first I thought you were talking about African languages! ;) I like Todd Rex and the raptors... Makes a cool name for unit of cold ones and...
Where is a kroxigor, when you need one... ;) [ATTACH]
Cool stuff! Great painting style! You have some more? ;)