If you take the time, you can put them in relatively dynamic poses, which look much better than them in a static pose (with eyes that look like...
Yes! Maybe if we all keep spamming them it will get fixed at some point
Tezka entered the ruins, pushing past vines and overgrowth to enter the mouth of the tunnel. Flicking his younger in and out, Tezka moved towards...
Yep, both of them are locked with meh 4+s. If you can get them to reroll saves of one they become more reliable, but it’s not as good as we would...
At the moment Troglodons have their uses, but right now their way overcosted for what they can do. The fact that they lack so much rend really...
Kinda hypocritical of anakin, especially since he also was an annoying little shit when he was a kid
Heading the last words of the skink Tezka felt a new feeling in him, one he had never felt before. A single word came to his mind friend. He then...
Tezka nodded in the direction Tik pointed him to, and then turned to the skink “Will you join me?” Despite the almost total monotone, their was a...
As Tezka heard about and Quas and his kitchen, the saurus made a strange noise, something of a laugh and growl, with a few more droplets...
“It is reasonable to suspect disease, for the rat spawn defiled the spawning pool I emerged from.” Then Tezka listened attentively to Tik and when...
“Currently I am the only individual to bear this ailment, all I have been told about it was that it had something to do with the spawning that...
Tezka looked up at the skink approaching him, and as he did so he gave a small cough, causing more of the bright substance to dribble down his...
“Yes, I have recently arrived. Curious, I don’t know what drew me here.” Tezka seemingly displayed the slightest hint of curiosity in his words....
I’ll take your entire stock
Challenge accepted
My question is how are you able to monetarily afford 3 dread saurian? That’s worth about as much as most of the armies I run
Staying still for several moments, Tezka turned his head towards the skink. Finally his jaw opens and he begins to speak. “Replacement was...
After several hours of remaining motionless, Tezka blinks. He slowly stands up, with his left arm creating a mechanical humming as the magic that...
And Oldblood is never pointless if he is on a carnosaur!
In a dracothion’s tail you can drop down a screen and the carnosaur. The bruisers get stuck on the skinks and open the character to the carnosaur