So I’ve been considering getting the saurus guard kit, it looks awesome and then using any spare heads on some saurus knights. So does anyone know...
What heroes are you thinking of bringing? I’m guessing and Oldblood and sunblood and some starpriests?
Speaking of pole arms, why don’t guard get 2” on their pole arms?
It could be, but I do know a temporary fix to the lack of range. Take your saurus knights in two ranks of 5. When the charge the front rank should...
I would start with an oldblood on Carnosaur, for 40 more points your getting a down right terrifying melee weapon. Using blade of realities or...
It’s beautiful! :D:D:D:D:D Thank you thank you thanks you thank you
That scene took place after cannibalism, I wonder if this implies something about @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl
Should be updating today or tomorrow with the release of our new stuff
No it’s not you, knights and warriors are pretty scary right now, just from the sheer volume of attacks and the mortal wounds we can tack on
So, do you think it’s worth the price? It looks good, but 510 points is a solid quarter of any 2000 point army. As for magmadroths, carnosaurs...
That’s also pretty awesome, I love how versatile the starpriest is. In general it’s not hard to make our guys more durable, so overall we are solid.
Temple guard can be similar to chaos warriors or liberators for a similar price, and they are pretty solid offensively. In general we went from 5+...
Carnosaurs and a good chunk of a saurus stuff is fairly solid (for its price point). In general most of our monsters are fairly sturdy, but if...
I wouldn’t say we are glass hammers, coalesced seraphon are fairly tough for their points cost, much better than they used to be
Dang that’s incredible! Those skinks look like something that came right out of a desert ,
Good catch, although if we’re talking skinks, we could also consider them with clubs as they could do decently
Pretty fair assume that, just means we have to watch out for rend hordes
Looks a lot like a conversion I believe @Crowsfoot did a while back. Still very cool conversion, and a nice find
One more thing as well, we should double check with @Erta Wanderer or with @LizardWizard . They know their stuff really well and it’s always good...