The difference between 3 and 2 sallies is surprisingly large, if you could find some way to get them up to 3 large I think you'll certainly notice...
6 swarms used to be the first thing in my army in 6th edition, but in 7th I couldn't seem to justify the points for them, how have they been...
Awesome, the scratch built Kroak is very impressive! :)
The pit of shades ruins dwarfs due to their low I, which is good. :) It also ruins the Slann because of his low I, which is bad :(
Welcome to the site dude, good to have you with us :)
Welcome to the site mate :)
Holy crap, that's amazing! Awesome job, thanks for posting, do you have any other pics you could show us? :)
You're half right, a 1 is still always a fail. However, armour saves can be completely negated with a high enough strength :)
Nice work mate, :)
I think it looks really cool, very jurassic park! :bored:
What role does the skink chief play in the first list? :meh: If it's an FSoD, I think he could benefit from some more offence. Perhaps BSoSotek...
Hi, I have created a new forum for rules questions and moved it here :) As for your question, no, characters do not count toward your minimum...
Lol, actually the "remember me" thing was a forum bug which I only got round to fixing yesterday :P I don't know much about IE since I never use it.
The forum should now remember you when you come back to the site. When you sign in, click on the button which says "log me in every visit" or...
Hi, I have changed the cookie settings for the site, hopefully it might fix this problem. Sorry it's taken me so long :P
IMO nothing looks cooler on the tabletop than a lizardmen army marching to war. Giant Lizards, dinosaurs, aztec/myan themes make for an awesome...
Welcome to the site Cal, I like your avatar :)
My guess is that, due to writing a long report, your account just timed out. It happens on almost all sites if you're inactive for a certain...
No problems mate, welcome to the site. As for the list, have you thought about dividing your unit of skinks into 3 blocks of 10. This gives you...
Hi, please remember to read the forum rules about posting points for individual upgrades. Thanks :)