Found this conversion on the model if...
I'll take a look thanks ..Couldn't find it on a brief search on ebay I found another FW Slann from Germany though :D Some ruthless bidder outbid...
Lost out on a Slann from France it looked different to the ones I have if anyone see's it again could you keep me in mind [ATTACH]
I really like the orange it'll look nice with some highlights I think
You're lucky mine grows at a rate of knots and it drains my soul but don't let my fiancé hear that she doesn't tolerate me moaning about it :P
These are brilliant examples @Warden
I think Lizardmen might trap glowing insects to adorn their Lizardmas tree
Official welcome speak friend and enter :D
Yes defiantly carry on and I want to see more - maybe invest in a better potato or try focus it more for the next pics - my pics on my phone came...
From what I can tell it's darker than expected but still looks like a nice contrast :D you're many steps ahead of me i'm still gluing
Welcome to Lustria Online :)
Hey I have afew mtg cards I don't know if you'd be intrested in any and I'm not sure if i'd be able to get my models to you costly process :P...
These look sick! love the colour choices I too will be curious to see what's ontop
[ATTACH] This looks like the stuff the stag branding is perfect for replacing with some dinosaur counterpart :D So great Idea it'll be on the...
I'm assuming this is a drink? would certainly make the occasion a merrier one if so :)
At times I've thought of introducing my own races to the Warhammer worlds you could try something like this as a stand alone race that people can...
So it won't have escaped the more astute among you but my new forum name is becoming it's own character and as such we have created "Lizardmas"...
This conversation has been most enlightening and inspiring - I am constantly learning from the friendly folk that dwell in the netherpages of the...
:D my favourite has always been Rory (See my army page for refferance :P), Rudolph draws far too much attention to himself the fame went to his...
I agree it sounds like a nice combination - though i must profess to prefer red from a purely biased point of view - or green but I was forced to...