@Bowser Researching my SlanntaClaus model led me to a hilarious forum page with this question and answer: "How many reindeer does santa have? If...
If you're saying the old ones look better I think I agree in part - my ones arms look mangled though I like a lot of their spikes perhaps mine are...
Yeah this is them :D thanks :D
I'll get pictures soon
@n810 nah mine are much chunkier riders with spikes all down their back and the raptors are slightly chunkier and ahem hornier xd
@n810 thanks I have some crafting knifes to use I have great ambition and will keep everyone updated :D
Can someone help me identify my raptor riders without the aid of pictures at the moment I just got them in the post on a small joblot - they are...
I have no experience sculpting I wish I did i'd apply it straight away - I intend to try with greenstuff soon it's just finding the money to do it...
I notice there are a few great sculptors from the site and I stumbled upon their models by chance or by being referenced to them I think it'd be...
indeed the packaging says "Sculpted by Richard Sweet" had no idea he was a member :D impressed with his work
welcome :) looking forward to seeing your figures
Found another figure perfect for Lizardmen ordered one myself and its really great can't recommend it enough:...
It'll be some time for sure I might have to write down and draw them first then bring them to life - I just blew all my money on some models for...
I have multiple ideas for some own character models :D it's exciting times
Considering I made a scorpion tank thing out of a necron monolith I think I may attempt this idea - but i'm not wasting my forgeworld slann on it...
Or Skinks as elfs to make the shinnies and then some animals for a palanquin pull
Funnily enough I was contemplating a similar idea but a slann pulled by skink servants I dunno what a razordon is tbh ? the birds(evolved...
Sounds good thanks :) I'm contemplating making a platform urhm palanquin thing for a custom Slann - I was gonna do lord mazdamundi but i'm...
Thanks bowser could you help me with the process of using it in laymens terms - how do you get it to become the part of the model you want or...
Got afew more models and afew more on the way does anyone know how easy green stuff is for novices?