O sure, but most named characters get to have a +1 to hit, or a different unique spell or command ability. The difference is generally fairly...
The slann scroll is bad because it's literally the same as Kroak, but a little bit worse while bringing nothing unique or advantageous in...
They aren't two different flavours though, Kroak is literally just a better Slann, with the exact same abilities and on top of that something...
The cost of a slann or Kroak isn't the issue, or at least not the main issue. The main issue is that the slann doesn't have a single significant...
Pretty much this; unless you absolutly depend on that 1 good bombing run you're probably better off simply having more terradons. Especially as...
Isn't that one more common? Fairly certain I've seen it float around on the internet
neat ghost ship
Meh, I'd settle for a death faction opposing Nagash vampires or otherwise. At least then death might finally become interesting.
Undead, especially nighthaunt have a thing for keys. Raven and rats also fit with undead.
honestly.. looks too clean for skaven :p
What else would we be doing though?
Destruction at least is defined by backstabbing and a constant struggle for power, same with Chaos. Chaos is only allied as long as Archaon beats...
No but being in an alliance does generally mean not murdering your allies on a large scale. It is generally frowned upon if you start doing that....
More aelfs being mean and needlessly slaughtering civilians. The grand allegiance of order becomes more meaningless by the day...
O sure , the quality is great. Just hoping it's not going to be another case of 1 faction getting shiny new toys for a year or so while the rest...
More Slaanesh stuff. That makes what, 7 new units? Sigvald, his 2 mirror guard variants, the 4 in here? Am I missing anything? I guess at least...
To be honest the issue isn't that Kroak is undercosted compared to a regular slann. The issue is that a generic slann simply doesn't have anything...
Yes it's a completly valid playstyle, but for that playstyle to be viable you need to be able to reliable keep your support heroes (and what they...
I really want it to be something other than the inquisition, just for fun. On the other hand I am trying to find a psyker to put in my ad-mech...
It isn't just our heroes that are the problem here though. It's that nearly everything we got is 1) fairly easy to kill (or at least maim). and 2)...