O there's plenty of idiots & trolls that are smart. Probably has more to do with hobbies like this having a relativly small community. Trolling...
well it was a bit of a conversation between @NIGHTBRINGER and me, that tends to be eh rather off-topic :p Really not the weirdest thing we've...
I meant more with respect to emulating their feats, not necesarly their morals and ethics :p At least the unthinking psychopathic killer started...
O sure, but the ones who let their desires run that uncontrolled and wild would mostly be various addicts and the occasional psychopath. Not...
meh, I'm fine with leaving the old world behind proper. But we do need to actually get some characters in the mortal realms for the various...
O sure, the followers of the other chaos-gods can be fairly one-dimensional as well; but I think there's one difference with the other gods. The...
I mean, they are possesed, I'd assume this is what they are going for :p I guess cuz even at the best of times sigvald is just a superficial...
Eh, fair enough I guess. To be honest the one with the mirror thing on its back doesn't seem too terrible.
On a sidenote isn't his sword one of the rumour engines?
well that's somewhat dissapointing.... It'd be lovely if GW's release schedule made more sense.. Also you forgot the other unit you can build...
Meh, I guess they could release an equivalent of Kairic acolytes. Or maybe a slaanesh-y warcry warband? That still seems minor enough that it...
I'd add on to that that there's also a serious disconnect between our rules & our fluff in places, especially for our saurus. What should be...
Right, thought they were a 40K only thing.
In fairness, you don't play total war for the individual models. It rarely looks particularly good when all zoomed in. Also what are the lizard...
Well not literally those examples, but essentially yes, it helps accentuate the theme of big giant dinosaur mounts, but ultimatly the balance is...
Prayers should be going to armies that have a strong priest-class (lore-wise); not just to armies that don't have wizards. Imho it's mostly a...
Neither CoS nor STD are exactly known as armies with particular fancy mounts; it's not like the seraphon which is literally sold on the basis of...
Perfect is impossible, better than now is definitly doable though imho. As for how they actually work internally. Based on the white dwarf...
A miasmic magnifier, improves your defenses while in cover near it (-1 to hit or something)
O at this point it's less that its something we desperatly need to be balanced and more that I'm just annoyed at lacking the mechanic and...