Idoneth are a natural counter to shooting armies, which they also mention in the article, KO, Tzeentch, Seraphon, CoS & the better performing SCE...
Another Salamander [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Interesting unit though, decent damage output, a teleport a ranged attack with mortal wounds (although a bit too short ranged) & a -1 to hit....
well that's an uninspired name...
Basicly, and for some internal strive you have a bit of a struggle between those trying to die gloriously to regain their honour and those trying...
Depends on how exactly it is implemented, the obsession with honourable death doesn't work very well on the level of an entire society as the...
Meh, the cult 1) doesn't allow you to throw away your life, you have to do everything you can to survive. You can't just go into an dragons lair...
Meh given how little of the slayercult actually made it into the fyreslayers beyond the visuals they should've introduced at least some with...
They might be able to use a fast attack unit, but doesn't that kind of go against how their army plays as a whole though? Isn't slow and immovable...
Did they already explain what those starter sets contain? Cuz if it's just a bunch of random stuff it might not necesarly be all that usefull for AoS.
1) for the 100th time, the increadible spread 40K suffers from in terms of strength/thoughness values needs to be avoided cuz yeah that creates...
Based on the herald, they don't look particularly pirate-y
yeah, the artwork outside of their tome seems to be pretty much completly limited to depicting halfnaked dwarf berserkers, it's very weird. I...
Well all those rumour engines indicating vampires seem to be getting their release soon based on this hammerhal herald [IMG]
For sylvaneth anything vaguely plant-based will due. And some fae based stuff would also work. There's more than revenants, and most of it isn't...
Meh, the fyreslayers have such a boring concept though, what else are they going to add that continues their theme? Another halfnaked dwarf?
In fairness, we're not so much "in" the grand alliance as much as we occasionally show up out of nowhere and start randomly killing whatever is...
Unless you can afford multiple starpriests, just bring them as a support & a potential backup threat. Unbuffed they're excellent support, they're...
O a game-designers entire job is complicated enough, just saying that changing from a system with purely static core stats to a system with some...
Yup, buffs in general are also a factor that complicate it, and could be used to further accentuate the roll of certain weapons. Creating buffs...