Wait, I've never seen this anywhere... I'm pretty sure you can use multi-shot on stand and shoot. I think it might hardly ever pan out, since...
Depending on how Steg-heavy you want to go, you may be better without a Slann. He soaks up lots of points and instead you could have yet another...
I guess a good question to ask you would be, what do you want your final army to look like? So far what you have is probably going to involve a...
"Case in point, last night I played a game versus WoC" Well, don't expect any panic there. They get to reroll all panic checks. Also, let's see...
Yes, he can have any magic items within his limit, as long as his banner is not magical. As to the list, I would make a couple minor tweaks to...
Seems pretty good considering what comes with the battallion set. Missing some of the neat utility units of course, but good for what you have to...
I believe it says, "all enemy units within 2d6". I see no reason why it wouldn't effect units in CC...
Yeah, there are spells that can effect things in close combat but it usually is with radius of effect spells. Like if something says "all units...
Razordons might be worth taking against armies that pack a bunch of support units in there. I might take a unit of 2-3 for example against wood...
I hate when my anvil blows up so much. People complain about how the anvil can't be dispelled... they don't realize that it always has a 1/36 of...
Don't get the bonus for being mounted if it is not a cav model. So OB is 4+, 3+ with light armor, 2+ with Maiming Shield.
If you round like that, yeah only 2.5. The real number is closer to 3.1. So if they take outnumber and an extra rank, you're looking at a dead...
As far as how he looks, no. He must have the same base size 20mmx20mm. His rules are listed in the book.
Probably not. :) Considering most effects specify that they can hit units in combat if they can, I would say the common sense default is "No"....
Jungle poisons you mean? Units that have "jungle poisons" in their special rules have poisoned ranged attacks.
I presume there were Salamanders involved? :)
I'll second the salamander idea, if just for that stupid block of phoenix guard. Are they immune to psych in addition to fear causing? Even if...
"19 dragon princess" Lol, yeah elves are pretty darn effeminate. Hmm, is he really running that many together in one unit? How fun for you!...
That Slann focus is Rumination, maybe you're thinking of Ruination of Cities? Slann looks decent, although you should probably make him your BSB...
I was working on the Warriors of Chaos and almost had it done as number 4. Then I realized my % chance to kill formula was wrong, and before that...