If you only run 3 terradons, you can only lose one before they go below US5, which is the magic number for rear charge penalty and for destroying...
An important thing to note is that characters who are Immune to Pyschology LOSE this ability when joining a unit that is not ItP. While the...
My first army being dwarves, magnets make life a lot easier. With every dwarf unit being ranked up, it makes setup a breeze. If you have a metal...
An Oldblood on Carnosaur could tear him to shreds. The Carno has Str7 hits which insta kill chariots. The Oldblood can carry the blade of...
That was just a random ruling made by a low-level GW employee. If this were true, then it renders razordons near worthless, because you are...
They don't get to stand and shoot, so they will be a unit you have to protect. Their ability to move and shoot though makes them a lot more user...
I think the idea is the cold one gives him an extra +2 armor save. Bear in mind though, that he will displace a spearman that would usually stand...
If the WoC army takes a War Shrine, then all champions get the eye of the gods rule and must issue and accept challenges. Without a war shrine,...
Well said Vagrant. That sums up the "against" arguments nicely. I concur that unless it says he can fire the weapons, he does not get to....
Yep, not poisoned, I can confirm. Also, they are BS 3 not 4. They don't take most of the penalties for shooting, like multi-shot, long range,...
Only restriction in the book is "Skink or Saurus". I don't see why a mounted guy couldn't take one, though of course if he's riding a Carnosaur...