I was just about to do the Daemon book for "Battle of the Oldbloods". Too bad my computer totally crashed that had my damage calc spreadsheet on...
I think those Temple Guard could easily be swapped for more spear saurus, as I don't think they become worth it until they are stubborn and ItP....
= win
For YEARS, dwarf players had to deal with the fact that the Flame Cannon didn't make flaming attacks. That made even less sense. Of course, when...
I think I know your problem... you need to play lizardmen. Rolling that third die for Ld tests is going to make all the difference.
The GW response clearly just forgot about the couple units that actually have attacks during the movement phase. But hits tend to fall into two...
Seems like a pretty solid hammer and anvil. The thing you need is a unit of terradons. They can do so many things, that it is pretty much worth...
Lame will be if GW decides they are not magical... here's to hoping!
Point total for the army is fine, that gives people who know the cost offhand a chance to do a quick mental-math check to make sure you added...
That name always reminds me of my Protege...
There are two types of characters, heroes and lords. At a given point value, you will be allowed a certain number of heroes, lords, and...
Somehow I envision his other arm, once attached, will be holding up its middle finger. Not sure why, but can't get that out of my head.
Or make sure the unit you panic has US5 or above when they start fleeing, that's when it gets really fun. Send them down the length of the...
I thought we figured this one out too, but on another lizard site they concluded that the enemy flees away from the unit that caused the panic,...
Hehe, stegadons are a lot like the war elephants. Rome total war was the last one I played, but I like the look of Empire. Gonna need a new...
A unit of 4 terradons and a salamander with extra handler are exactly 200 points. Trim enough points so you have exactly 200 left, then add those...
Killing blow on a flying skink could be amusing... though you might not get as many assassination attempts in there because of the BSB duties. It...
As an afterthought, maybe that is why GW has the rule "characters can't join units of flyers". Imagine putting your big nasty guy in with some...
Just based on how the situation is usually referred to, I would say they are "in combat" after the completion of a successful charge. Once the...
Well it falls into that funny area of things GW didn't originally plan, so you have to use precedent to figure out what the correct answer most...