"If a unit charges into combat and, by the end of that turn's combat phase all its enemies have been wiped out, the unit may make a pursuit move,...
You are correct... the difference isn't not big :). Str 5 is a magic number of warhammer, and I personally consider a hero under strength 5 to be...
Well, I think that just might work. Yeah, dwarf Thunderer champions can take brace of pistols, so that stand and shoot happens in close range. I...
That tentative list is eerily similar to what I've scraped together... I didn't foreswear all saurus, but I did say no to anything below movement...
I can't speak for Sart's playstyle, but my guess would be that a flying BSB could be used for more than just the reroll.. with the sword of might...
First, you should probably ditch the banner on the skink krox unit. The unit is best when it is not really worth the trouble of going after it....
Alas, swarms are skirmishers and can't take away rank bonus. They can get a flank bonus, with two bases together counting as US 6. The 10 wounds...
I was evaluating terradons more on an overall scale, as obviously we know who would win a straight up fight. Terradons perform a lot of duties...
Ah, the old reliable hammer and anvil. I'll make a few suggestions about the list. The Oldblood looks fine, other than you don't even need the...
Weird, it is not letting me edit my post... I was just going to add, that if you are using this small block exclusively as support for ranked...
Running them 3 wide would allow you to safely tuck them in between infantry blocks, denying the enemy the opportunity to charge them (unless it is...
Only time I can ever really see a unit being left out of combat is in the case of three units all charging the same side of the enemy. If the...
I don't trust those line of sight arcs.. they seem to exaggerate a bit and give better LOS than usual. I don't see anything against the spirit of...
Unfortunately, Stegadons are immune to psychology. One of the disadvantages of immune to psych is you can never choose to flee as a charge...
I just treat them with respect, and they tend to be respectable. Don't just let them lazy roll out of your hand as if you expect very little from...
I don't think I would try to run them without a Slann, the thing that makes them near unbreakable is the stubborn and immune to psych they get...
First, what kind of list does he tend to play? The more of his units you can remember the better. Second, what kind of list do you plan to run?...
You can have any combination of magic items on a BSB, so long as you do not take a magic banner.
Also it's worth a little more than an extra wound on the profile. Say you're hit by a cannon... saves are done before the wound multiplies!...
Woot, no bolt throwers or hammerers? Shouldn't be too bad. Also, slayers are a non issue, just poison them to death since they have no armor....