You forgot to factor into your math one essential variable. Kroxigors look scary. Some opponents who are overcome with fear and decide they want...
Did you forget to bring your Salamanders? Just to complete the annihilation.
The Scar Vet should probably take light armor to finish up with a 1+ armor save. Also, do the saurus have spears now? If not, you could trim out...
I assume that battle report was written with elf blood? I finished reading it, looks like it went really well for the Lizards. My goal is to be...
Swarm bases have a Unit Strength of 3. Refer to p71 of the BRB and see the chart. This means that you need two swarm bases together as a unit to...
As for comments on the list, I'm not sure about the skink priest setup you have. To maximize the Slann's effectiveness, you'll probably want two...
BSB is Battle Standard Bearer. This does two things for you. First, the unit containing the BSB gets an extra +1 to combat resolution. Secondly...
They are listed as unbreakable swarms. The BRB explains that they take wounds equal to the amount by which they lost combat.
I thought about that, but just imagine.. for one extra skink, you could run the unit 5x3. Might as well take a couple ranks, you never know....
Heh, that list doesn't have enough artillery to castle. If you face dwarves you are toast. Dwarf lists these days have at least 2 bolt throwers,...
Doh, I think I was mixed up with VotFF or something. Poisoned melee attack skinks would be cool. There are definitely many varieties of lists...
This pretty well sums it up for me as well, it comes down to points and the army feeling too small. Were I not running a Carnosaur (which is...
A lot will depend on whether you want a more combat focused or magic heavy... the strategies will change depending on what you want to field.
Well, after dropping the Saurus, things just fell into place. Had that great aha! moment when my point total went to exactly 2250 on the dot. OB...
That's a lot of terradons! I guess then, by your definition of a hit-and-run, that's not exactly what I'm going for. I guess I should post my...
Realities, the plural. As in, the blade exists in this realm and the spirit realm, which is why it can rip the enemy's soul from its body.
So many bolt throwers! Well, looks like they did the old anvil gunline on ya. Since I played dwarves first, I have been thinking of how I would...
This list is very close to what I was thinking of running, but I have a few questions based on your experiences. 1) Did you ever find yourself...
He rolled lots of 1's for his ward saves?
I was thinking along the lines of something like that. Just so everyone knows, I haven't forgotten about these, I'm working on an error in my...