The one thing that makes the thirster slightly easier to catch is it can't flee charges. But yeah, not much of a help. I think the bloodthirster...
EDIT: After reading again, yep, absolutely just number of models. Seems weird to me that seeing the sallie die would be just as upsetting as a...
Has anyone had any luck with using just a single salamander hunting pack as a unit? Or does it usually take 2 to get the job done? I guess with...
First question is a yes, you'd wheel around as far as you could go, though you'd have to make note where in the wheel you'd stop for a failed...
Well the rules for those two guns state that the rolls are done in order. The Orgun Gun just lets you trade out your first roll for a second roll...
The chargers don't get to turn on the spot though. P.22 of the BRB shows the whole procedure, including the charger having to still wheel as...
In the book it says to roll a dice in the event chargers have the same unit strength. So just point at one unit and say "1-3" and the other and...
Like all models equipped with two mundane weapons, they can choose at the beginning of combat which weapon they are going to be using. Gives them...
I should point out that the war hydra has a Leadership of 6... BoR ftw.
This argument I find to be an exercise in "hope over experience".
Well, that list is illegal for one. You need 3 core choices! Three units of 10 skirmishers would be better than 2 of 15 anyhow. You could shave...
Warriors of Chaos it is, I've been looking forward to that one.
There were no giant monsters to really evaluate, so this time it is all expected number of kills. Format is Target: Blade of Realities/Blade of...
I referred to it as the hand weapon and shield bonus in my last post. "Parry bonus" is just a slang term for it, and apparently this slang term...
Shields can be used to protect against chariot impact hits, just watch Gladiator! There is no reason in the rulebook under the hand weapon and...
I've always played it the opposite. So long as you are charging the front of the block, they get the HW+SH bonus. If they charge the flank or...
Just playing around with it, I've found that BoR vs. heroes is worth it if it is a highly defended character. Usually any defense stacking at all...
Blade of Realities is a downright bargain at its current cost. Look at the vampire counts frostblade (or whatever it is called). You actually...
Welcome to the site, look forward to getting some of your hard won wisdom added to the mix.
Wow, 24 is a massive unit of skirmishers! You probably want to reduce these down to 10ish. Leftover points should go toward terradons or some...