Happy belated birthday, Creeping Death. <--not something you hear very often So I've gotten 16 Saurus, 3 Skink handlers, and a Salamander...
You'll need a skink character for frenzy. Skavenpelt banner. I'd rather use it on a Skrox unit though.
Nah, he's fine. In WHFB you can have 25% in Lords AND 25% in Heroes. Half of your army can be characters if you want. So you could probably get 3...
I like the Goblin army list. It has a lot of options so it's very flexible. Magic spam, dangerous tarpit, dangerous shock troop, and a decent...
Very nice write-up. Good information in there. I don't play against dwarves often, so the insight into their troops is very helpful.
I would like to see a skink/saurus cavalry combo pack. Seems likely to me that Kroxigor will either be dropped in points or get bumped to S5 T5...
Re: Qupakoco's Cohorts Ok, so here is a chunky update on my army progress. Unfortunately I have discovered that it's my camera that makes the...
I have a complaint. So we all recall that Lizardmen born under the spawning of Sotek have red crests or markings, right? So ONE WOULD THINK that...
Sure, I can expand a bit on these armies. I haven't ran the Fast army list myself. It should be noted that Salamanders and Chameleon Skinks are...
Not to detract form the main subject, but there is some debate on attaching characters to Skrox units. You'll have to run it by your fellow...
I've always wanted to run an army like this. I only have 5 kroxigor though. :( You'd have to fill out your core requirements with Skrox units...
Re: Qupakoco's Cohorts Ok, these guys are done with painting. I need to base them yet. I'll put up some pictures this weekend after I figure out...
There are tons of different builds available to use with Lizardmen. Just to name a few: Skirmisher army: Lots of Skink skirmishers to re-direct...
Yah, you can't have more than 2 duplicate rare choices until you pop over 3000 pts. I think Special units are capped at 4 duplicates under 3000 as...
Re: New Painting Comp - April 2012 I'm good with doing 200 points. It's not that many models if you do it right. A command group for Cold One...
Yah, Dwellers or perhaps go Lore of Death and snipe her. Or take Oxyotl and literally snipe her :D Scar-Vets are great at killing anything. Get...
The only characters that are discontinued are the Skink characters for Inxi-Huinzi and the old Tenehuini. I think that Kroq-Gar and Chakax are the...
Oh man, that will take a lot of work. They look really good though. Perhaps you could make it easier on yourself if you used bits from the saurus...
Re: Lustria themed Vampires, now with WIP pictures! Oh man, those are awesome.
I'm surprised that no one responded to this as well. I like your first list. I don't think you'll have too much trouble with cannons. With the...