Looking good! BTW, I am horrible at painting fire. Yours looks very nice.
Unfortunately you can only use magic items once per army. So only one skink priest can have the Plaque of Tepok. Same with Ixti Grubs....
Since we're drifting off to the fun side of tactics... How about Tiktaq'to in a unit of 6 terradons with a chief BSB using skavenpelt banner?...
I try to think of them as a gunline. Get up close and personal as fast as you can. Terradons, chameleon skinks, and salamanders. Salamanders can...
Finally clicked on your signature to check out your stuff. Glad I did! I wish I had thought about cutting off their crests, lol. Didn't even cross...
Re: New Painting Comp - April 2012 Sounds good to me. I have plenty that can fit in the 300 pt range. 23 Cold One Riders have been sitting around...
Re: Next AOW lizardman Wow, that's amazing. Excellent work. What do you have in mind for the weapon? A traditional Krox smashy club? Maybe...
Lizardmen have TONS of monsters besides the Stegadon. Unfortunately I don't have my book on me, so someone will have to figure out the points...
Fortunately you can still field ancient Stegadons as a mount choice for the priest and chief, so your list isn't really hurt too bad. A unit of 3...
Lol. Good call, Omar. It shall be done.
As for your question about allocating hits, I think they are wrong. Any attacks on the chief will benefit from the "Look Out Sir" rule if he is in...
Salamanders eat hordes for lunch! They also eat skinks sometimes, but that's besides the point. Depending on your army size, you can counter the...
Hmm, this is like the 6th army list you've come up with, lol. All in all it's your playstyle you need to think about. Any of us can shoot holes...
@ Omar Ha, that's not a bad idea. Fortunately you saved yourself from being SUPER nerdy because you didn't know the proper name for their weapons...
Does anyone know of a good way to convert the old skink archers? I've been using them for my skink cohorts since they rank up so much nicer than...
@ Lord Tsunami Well played, sir. Well played. (I forgot about not using them on the charge... :rolleyes: ) As for 2 units of 20 with spears, I...
hmm, your logic seems backwards to me, lol. I would think that you would want a better chance of staying in a grindfest so a 6++ save would be...
Re: Wanna do a themed list, but wondering on what to do... o The general consensus is no, since a Skrox unit is a unique unit type. However, you...
Oh man, that is beastly! Seeing the Chaos Warrior on his back makes me think you should make a rider for him (not glued on of course)
I realize that now. I'll be sure to bring that up to my opponent. What is weird is that I made this list using the Lone Wolf Army Builder...