Lol, don't worry. I am thinking I can do the mohawk with other bitz. I'll put up a picture of it when I get a chance to try it out, probably later...
Is Games Workshop doing away with the southlands lizardmen? I didn't see any mention of them in the newest rulebook in regards to lore. My skink...
Yah, the pictures are a little small. I think I copied the link to the thumbnails or something. I'm not too savvy with photobucket yet... Thanks...
Hey lizards. So I am working on assembling a bunch of models that my wonderful wife purchased for me. (yay!) I am currently assembling some Cold...
I'd recommend reading through a few of the battle reports. The Hunted has an excellent report using basic troops and solid tactics.
I don't have the current rule book on me, but I recall in one of the older editions that a model could be killed in one hit if the strength of the...
Hmm, that's something I would not have thought of. Thanks for pointing that out.
That's what I was thinking. I can't find anything that says otherwise. It would be nice if there was an addendum for scaly skin to be an...
I apologize if I am bringing up an old topic. So I ran across this last night while playing a little introductory battle with a friend. Does the...
Hello fellow Lizardmen enthusiasts. First off, yes I stole my username from one of the older Lizardmen books. I just love it that much! My first...