I'm ok with the saurus... Though I think the proportion was better with the old models... The current ones look far too agile for their low...
Capture the traitor and make him build fortresses for our lizardy armies!! ;)
So f*** long...
Pork.... ;)
I don't know why but I don't like the way skinks look in the"modern art" of aos... They don't look like the small agile quickly moving light...
The last one looks cool, but I think the first looks cooler! ;) Might be because I have green saurus and a purple / pink stegadon... So blue is...
I think it's really not a big problem... The rocks look good! ;)
I took a picture before washing them with ketchup and dry brushing with some delicious mustard! :P;)
This idea is amazing! Kroak transformer with real spirits! Really cool! And as I got you right with an old metal slann... Shame on the guy who...
Here's what I did the last 10days... Improved the look of my champion (dry brushed in very light green glazed with waywatcher green and added...
Yes! Add "incredible"! And/or some wip pictures! ;)
96 was already the big guy known as 5th edition slann... These two guys seem from an earlier edition ... Were Slann was the name of the whole...
Really! Add that "talented" tag to your thread!!! ;) This looks so good!
Nice little guys! Great job!
This will be an epic piece of terrain!
Turns out to become more interesting with every new part that is posted!
Nice one! Especially the basing is top!
I guess @SlanntaClause has the right idea! That would be a realistic way to play it. Would be a good addition for t9a 2.0... Only reason why it...
Yes the conversion looks cool! And I like the 5th sauri! Look really good!
That's some good stuff!